3/15/2024 Letter from the General Manager
Dear Cambrians,
The current leadership at the CCSD is highly motivated and has made great strides over the last year. We are bringing before the Board on the 11th of April (what we hope is) the final draft of the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) project description. If the Board approves, we will submit it for permanent permitting for the WRF. Within the next six to eight months, we hope to break ground on several projects, including the East Ranch restroom, Stuart Street tanks, water meter upgrades, and the Skate Park. The EV charging station move should be completed next week. Our contractor has run all the conduit, completed some foundation work, and will move the EV charging unit first thing next week. To be clear, any public works project that must work with government regulators can be a painfully slow process. I understand the impatience; I would feel the same way. I can promise you this: we have assembled some of the most talented employees in their field, and they are on a mission. Let's embrace the journey ahead of us, knowing that with each step we take, we're closer to achieving a common goal: a more resilient Cambria.
Administration & Finance Departments
Meet President Tom Gray
On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., President Tom Gray will be at the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall and would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on everything, Cambria. We will provide coffee and snacks and the ability to engage in dialogue about everything in Cambria.
Facilities & Resources Department
Contact Facilities & Resources Manager
To submit general inquiries, or to report any issues on the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve, public restrooms, Cambria Dog Park, or to schedule a meeting with Facilities and Resources Manager Aguirre, please submit your inquiries or concerns here: https://www.cambriacsd.org/contact-facilities-resources-c617054.
East Ranch Restroom
The building review of the project application was approved on February 29, 2024. Planning has reviewed the project; it is now in the construction phase. The pre-manufactured restroom will be ordered within the next week. There’s a 240-day lead time on the manufacturing process.

EV Charging Station Relocation
The EV charging station relocation is almost complete. We look forward to activating the chargers for use in the ChargePoint network in the coming week.
Cambria Fire Department
Contact Fire Chief
To submit general inquiries or to schedule a meeting with Chief Burkey, please submit your inquiries or concerns here: https://www.cambriacsd.org/contact-fire-chief.
Meet Fire Chief
On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Fire Chief Michael Burkey will be working out of the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall and would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on anything related to the Cambria Fire Department.
July 15, 2024 is the deadline to abate and remove the fuels and vegetation for properties requiring abatement.Notice to Destroy Weeds will be mailed to property owners whose properties require abatement on April 12, 2024
Each year, the Cambria CSD Fire Department conducts a Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP) to abate vegetation and hazardous wildland fire fuels. The FHFRP is carried out pursuant to the authority contained in Government Code Sections 61100(d) and (t) and Health and Safety Code Sections 14875 et seq. and is initiated by the CCSD Board of Directors adoption of a resolution declaring the vegetation and hazardous wildland fire fuels on the identified properties to be a public nuisance. In this respect, it should be noted that the definition of “weeds” in Health and Safety Code Section 14875 includes “Dry grass, stubble, brush, litter, or other flammable material which endangers the public safety by creating a fire hazard.”
This annual requirement is an effort to reduce the fire hazard caused by the accumulation of combustible materials on vacant parcels. Keep in mind that the forest helps define Cambria, and it is important that we reduce the fire hazard without destroying its ability to regenerate. Make every effort to protect seedlings, young native trees, ferns, and bushes by marking them prior to cutting. Property owners are required to clear all combustible vegetation and/or debris from their property by the deadline of July 15, 2024.
Join Mailing List to Receive Updates from the Cambria CSD Fire Department
To receive updates from the Cambria CSD Fire Department on the 2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP) or any Fire Department-related news, click the "join our mailing list" icon at the bottom of any page and subscribe to Cambria CSD Fire Department News & Updates and follow the Cambria CSD Fire Department on Instagram and Facebook.
Upcoming Board Meetings for the Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP)
On April 11, 2024, the Cambria Community Services District (“CCSD”) Board of Directors will consider approval of a resolution declaring that noxious, dangerous, seasonal, and/or recurring weeds were growing upon or in front of your property and, more particularly described in said Resolution and that the same constitute a public nuisance which must be abated by the removal of said noxious, dangerous, seasonal and/or recurring weeds; otherwise, they will be removed and the nuisance abated by the CCSD Fire Department authorities, in which case the cost of such removal shall be assessed upon the lots and lands from which or in front of which such weeds are removed and such cost will constitute a lien upon such lots or lands until paid. Reference is hereby made to said Resolution for further particulars.
On May 9, 2024, the Cambria Community Services District (“CCSD”) Board of Directors will award the Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Agreement to the selected contractor.
On July 25, 2024, the Cambria Community Services District (“CCSD”) Board of Directors will hold a Public Hearing ordering the abatement of Public Nuisance for the Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program.
2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Schedule
Date | Item |
4/11/2024 | Declare a Public Nuisance for the Annual Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program and direct staff to proceed with issuing a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to contractors to abate and remove the nuisance fuels and vegetation. |
4/12/2024 | First Notice to Destroy Weeds sent to property owners whose properties require abatement, which includes a list of local licensed contractors who can perform weed abatement services. Parcel abatement starts. |
5/2/2024 | Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Request for Proposal (“RFP”) deadline. |
5/9/2024 | Award Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Agreement to selected contractor. |
6/12/2024 | Second Notice to Destroy Weeds sent to property owners whose properties require abatement, which includes a list of local licensed contractors who can perform weed abatement services. |
6/13/2024 | Public Hearing to confirm the 2023 CCSD Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Itemized Cost Report. After the itemized cost report has been confirmed, the resolution will be submitted to the County. The amounts will be included and collected on each respective property owner’s property tax bill per the provisions of the Health and Safety Code. |
7/15/2024 | Deadline to abate and remove the fuels and vegetation for properties requiring abatement. |
7/16/2024 | Cambria Fire Department final inspections of properties requiring abatement. Parcels that did not pass inspection on 7/16/2024 will be placed on the Contract Abatement List. |
7/19/2024 | CCSD Contract Abatement List completed. |
7/25/2024 | CCSD Public Hearing ordering abatement of Public Nuisance for the Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program. |
7/26/2024 | CCSD contractor starts clearing parcels that were placed on the Contract Abatement List. |
8/26/2024 | CCSD contractor deadline to clear parcels that were placed on the Contract Abatement List. |
8/27/2024 | Cambria Fire Department final inspections. |
12/15/2024 | First Invoice sent to customer + Administrative Charge |
2/15/2025 | Second Invoice sent to customer + Administrative Charge |
The following are guidelines to help you comply:
- Remove combustible construction materials and trash from the property.
- Trim weeds and annual grasses to 4 inches in height. Avoid exposing bare soil or creating a situation that would encourage erosion.
- All downed trees and rounds or dead limbs within 30 feet of any structure must be removed. Tree stumps fallen over shall be cut and retain no more than six feet of the log within this 30-foot zone.
- All downed trees beyond 30 feet from any structure 12 inches in diameter or greater may remain on the parcel. However, the entire trunk must be completely on the ground. Materials less than 12 inches in diameter shall be cut and removed from the property.
- All standing dead trees that pose a safety risk to improved property and/or infrastructure shall be removed.
- Remove ladder vegetation from under trees and shrubs, maintaining 6 feet of vertical clearance for trees greater than 20 feet in height.
- All Poison Oak, Scotch/Irish/French or other broom-type plants, Pampas grass, Jubata grass, and (Crocosmia) also known as Fire Weed, shall be removed. Isolated specimens may be left with greater than ten (10) feet separation, and all dead material removed.
The owner of record of the property at the time of notification is responsible for the clearance of the parcel. Property owners having clearance done by local contractors will need to work closely with their contractor to ensure your parcel gets inspected by the CCSD Fire Department. Those parcels not in compliance by the July 15, 2024, deadline will be placed on a list to be abated by the CCSD’s contractor. The cost for abatement for each parcel includes the contractor’s charge for services, plus a $100.00 administrative charge if paid within 90 days of receiving a bill or a $200.00 administrative charge if paid later. The CCSD is not responsible for the contractor’s charges.
The Cambria CSD and the Cambria Fire Department do not endorse any specific contractor or agency, are not responsible for the work performed or the fees charged by these contractors, and assume no responsibility or liability for both satisfactory and/or non-satisfactory work conducted by these contractors. Below is a list of contractors provided to the property owners of Cambria as a public service for their convenience.
The Cambria CSD Fire Department will inspect your parcel(s) to ensure compliance with the FHFRP ordinance. Parcels not cleared by the deadline will be placed on the CCSD contract list, and all associated costs and fees will be billed directly to you.
Contractor Name | Phone Number |
Gregorio Avila | (805) 674-3003 |
Javier Casteneda | (805) 927-5124 |
Mike Rice | (805) 927-3310 |
Roger Salas | (805) 909-2293 |
Jon Sigurdson | (805) 223-5430 |
Paradise Tree Service | (805) 472-3967 |
For more information on the 2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP), please click here.
Thank you for doing your part to keep Cambria a fire-safe community with a healthy urban forest.

Water & Wastewater Departments
Fix a Leak Week

Cambria Community Services District celebrates EPA’s annual Fix-a-Leak Week, March 18 through 24, 2024 to promote the water conservation and money savings that fixing household leaks can bring. According to federal estimates, 10% of homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day.
Watch this 1-minute educational video from EPA, and check out EPA’s Fix-a-Leak content to identify easy, water-saving actions you can take to prevent or address leaks in your home, not just during Fix-a-Leak Week, but year around.
As Spring approaches, we hope you’ll take this time to check for and address leaks throughout and around your home or business. Every drop counts!
Wastewater Recruitments
Cambria Community Services District is accepting applications for the Wastewater Collection System Maintenance Worker and Wastewater Operator OIT, I or II positions. These recruitments are open until the needs of the District are met. To apply, please visit https://www.cambriacsd.org/employment-opportunities.
Water Treatment Operator OIT, I or II Recruitment
The Cambria Community Services District is accepting applications for the Water Treatment Operator OIT, I or II positions. This recruitment is open until the needs of the District are met. To apply, please visit https://www.cambriacsd.org/water-treatment-operator-oit-i-or-ii-recruitment.
SR4 Well at Coast Union High School
The CCSD and the CUSD have agreed to enter mediation. We are hoping to schedule our first mediation session in April.
Coastal Development Permit (CDP)
District staff met with SWCA on March 8, 2024, to respond to County Planning requests. We look forward to returning the final draft to the Board for a public hearing and then formally submitting our CDP application.
Stuart Street Tank Project
On January 11, 2024, the Board of Directors approved an Agreement for Consultant Services with MKN & Associates, Inc., for engineering design and bid/construction phase services to replace the Stuart Street Tanks.
The existing foundations need to meet current California Building Code standards, which they do not. As such, both foundations must be replaced with new, deeper foundations. A meeting is scheduled with Leah Tighe, Project Coordinator for the EPA, to discuss the small “technical corrections” needed. The technical corrections will not prevent grant funding but could potentially delay the awarding date. Our meeting with EPA on March 27, 2024, will encapsulate these discussions.
Zero Liquid Discharge Program
The mobile ZLD unit is partially constructed, but grant financing requirements must be finalized to ensure payment to our contractor before any further work is performed, including meetings with the District and the public. Once financing is finalized, initial steps will include presentations to the Board and standing committees, a piloting agreement between our contractor and the District, and site surveying.
March 4, 2024, Adjourned Special Board Meeting Update
For a more detailed Board meeting transcript, go to https://www.cambriacsd.org/2024-03-04-board-adjourned-special-meeting.
- The Board of Directors held a Strategic Planning Workshop, updated the District's Objectives Report, revised the Core Values, and established a vision for Cambria.
March 14, 2024, Special Board Meeting Update
For a more detailed Board meeting transcript, go to https://www.cambriacsd.org/2024-03-14-board-meeting-9cbf3be.
March 14, 2024, Regular Board Meeting Update
For a more detailed Board meeting transcript, go to https://slo-span.org/meeting/ccsd_20240314/.
- The Board of Directors approved the CCSD Payment & Compensation Plan for Management & Confidential Employees.
- The Board of Directors approved maintaining the current Affordable Housing Unit Allocation of 56 units.
- The Board of Directors suggested more revisions to the Reserve Policy, which will be brought back again in April.
- The Board of Directors asked the staff to bring back the CCSD-Owned Vehicle Policy with the requested changes discussed at the meeting, along with changes about commuting.
Upcoming April Board Meeting Items (subject to change):
- Consideration to adopt a Resolution declaring a public nuisance for the annual Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program
- Consideration to adopt a Resolution declaring vehicle surplus and authorizing sale by the General Manager
- Public Hearing to receive community input on the draft Project Description for the Water
Reclamation Facility Coastal Development Permit Application, and direct staff to file the draft Project Description to the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building Staff for final evaluation, input, and direction - Discussion and consideration to fix Water and Wastewater Standby or Availability Charges as provided in Government Code 61124(b) and consideration of adoption of a Resolution fixing Water and Wastewater Standby or Availability Charges for Fiscal Year 2024/2025
- Discussion and consideration of approval of the Zero Liquid Discharge Pilot Testing Program
- Discussion and consideration of proposal for Cambria Rotary Peace Garden display at the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall Parking lot
- Discussion and consideration of an Agreement between Cambria Community Services District and Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve regarding the Fiscalini Ranch Linking Boardwalk Project
- Discussion and consideration regarding relocation of the East Ranch restroom
- Update the CCSD Board of Directors regarding the Countywide Evacuation Plan and Cambria's Fire Prevention Plan
- Introduction of a Civil Administrative Citation Ordinance 01-2024 for violation of CCSD Ordinances and Regulations
- Receive and file a report by Monte Soto for the fire evacuation route
- Discussion and consideration of the report and recommendations of the Finance Standing Committee Revenue Enhancement in the General Fund
- Receive and file the Independent Auditor's Report for Fiscal Year 2022/23
- Discussion and consideration regarding the Reserve Policy
On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., I will be working out of the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Hall and would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on everything, Cambria. We will provide coffee, snacks, and the ability to engage in dialogue about everything Cambria.
As always, I welcome your feedback and ideas. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me or any of our management team.
Thank you again for your support; I am at your service.
Matthew McElhenie