DUI Education Program - Every 15 minutes
(Note: These images may be upsetting, but are of a staged car crash)
Last week, the Cambria CSD Fire Department teamed up with Behavioral Health's SLO County Friday Night Live program and carried out a simulated drunk driving traffic collision at Coast Union High School, as part of the part of the “Every 15 Minutes” program. The simulation gave students the opportunity to learn first hand from local CHP, Cambria CSD Fire Department, Sherriff's, ambulance personnel, parents, DUI prevention specialists, and their principle on the consequences of drunk driving.
Cambria CSD Fire Department demonstrated how we would use our jaws of life to extricate victims. How victims would be triaged and treated. How patients are prioritized for medical treatment and eventually transported. This impactful public education opportunity will provide context to our youth and hopefully deter drinking and driving in our youth populations.
We want all our of our Cambria students, families, and community members to have a safe and enjoyable Summer. PLEASE do not get behind the wheel if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and STAND UP if you see someone else make this risky, possible life-ending decision. Call a sober friend, family member, ride-share, or stay put.
We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with the following agencies and for their continued collaboration and dedication to bring Every Fifteen Minutes to students on the Central Coast:
San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Office
California Highway Patrol
County of San Luis Obispo Behavioral Health Department
Cambria Ambulance
Tenet Health Central Coast
Dignity Memorial
Bill Gains Audio